Divorce can be an extremely stressful and emotional. Fear of not knowing exactly what will happen with your children and property can cause great consternation.
We understand the uncertainty and fear that can be produced. HNK Family Law attorneys can help you move beyond the emotional crisis and bring you to closure with a well thought out plan of action.
The effects of divorce should not be underestimated or taken lightly. The family unit is splitting apart which can lead to numerous and impactful questions that require experienced attorneys to answer. Questions such as: Where will my children live? Who will get the house? What is going to happen to my retirement plans? How long will support be paid? When will this all be over?
These are tough questions to answer. Sometimes the simplest divorces can quickly become a nightmare. That’s why you need an experienced and driven divorce attorney like the ones at New Orleans family law firm HNK Family Law to lead you through the process and make sure you get the closure you deserve.
Types of Divorces
In Louisiana, there are four ways a couple can get divorced. The most common divorces are considered “no fault” divorces. That means that the separating spouses need only live separate and apart, without reconciliation, for a certain period of time, which depends on whether the parties have minor children. When the spouses have minor children, a “no fault” divorce can be achieved by living separate and apart for 365 days. However, if the spouses do not have minor children (never had children or the children are now majors) a “no fault” divorce can be completed after living separate and apart for 180 days.
You can get a quicker divorce if there are grounds for fault in the break-up of the marriage. Adultery, felony imprisonment, and physical or sexual abuse are all grounds that can lead to divorce being attained in a much shorter time. These divorces need experienced family law attorneys to navigate the complex evidentiary issues that accompany such high stakes separations.